Blood ELISA's and Analysis
Individual (1-9) $7.00
Volume (10-99) $4.50
Commercial (100+) $3.00
Individual (1-15) $9.00
Volume (16-50) $4.50
Commercial (51+) $2.75
Johnes $5.45
Calcium $17.0
Total Protein $2.50
Urine PH $2.85
Individual (1-9) $8.00
Volume (10-99) $6.50
Commercial (100+) $4.50
*Processing Fee $12.50
Applies to all goat/sheep submissions of <10 samples for the following services:
CAE $14.50
Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis
CL $19.50
Caseous Lymphadenitis
Johnes $8.00
BioSecurity Screen $40.00
Package Solution includes CAE, CL, and Johnes
Water Testing
Please note that a service charge of 3.5% will be applied when using a credit card for payment.
NIR Packages
NIR Plus $29.50
Includes NDF Digestibility & Other nutrients in addition to NIR Basic
NIR Plus + Wet Chem $44.50
Adds Wet Chemistry Crude Protein, ADF, and NDF values to NIR Plus pkg
NIR Basic $21.00
Includes DM, CP, ADF, NDF, Lignin, Starch, Sugar, Fat, Ash, Soluble Protein,
NDICP, ADICP, Ca, P, Mg, K, & Calculation Values
NIR Basic +Wet Chem $41.00
Adds Wet Chemistry Crude Protein, ADF, and NDF values to NIR Basic Dry Matter Analysis $8.50
Moisture Content
Blood Agar and Myco volume discounts are based on total submissions per given month
Blood Agar
Individual (1-49) $4.25 Volume (50+) $3.95
Individual (1-49) $3.75
Volume (50+) $3.45
Coliform Count $6.50
Standard Plate Count $6.50
SPC Coli Total Solids Pkg. $12.75
Bulk Tank Mycoplasma $7.50
Bulk Tank Blood Agar $10.00
Bulk Tank Series $19.50
PCR Suspect $34.00
Individual $36.00
Bulk Tank/Strings $44.00
Pooled $34.00
Digitonin Sensitivity $16.00
Wet Chemistry Packages
Feed Panel $39.50
Mineral Panel $24.00 Includes Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn
Specialty Feed or Premix - $72.00
Dry Cow Mineral $28.00
Includes Mineral Panel parameters plus S, Cl
Single Mineral $18.00 Single Mineral Analysis
Starch/Starch Volume $32.00
Starch volume discount price - $24.00
Feed Nitrate $19.50
Feeds and Forages
A list of our most common services by type may be found below. If you do not see a specific test or service listed, please contact the lab at (509) 836-2020 for specialized test availability and pricing.
Samples that require supplemental processing will incur an additional fee of $10. These include, but are not limited to submissions with excess fat, excess sugar, and several “whole plant/intact” submissions such as: whole corn stalks, long grasses, whole potatoes, and whole corn ears.
MPN (Total Coliform Count, Global GAP Compliant) $48.00
P/A (E.coli Presence/Absence Detection Only) $28.00
Nitrate (US-EPA Compliant) $43.50
Performed via Spectrophotometer
Colilert + Nitrate Combo Pkg. $68.00
Combines Colilert and Nitrate packages. Ideal for real estate and drinking water testing.
Please contact the lab for additional specialized testing services and pricing
Milk Culturing
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